Welcome to the SewPop 2023 Application! SewPop is a student marketplace that showcases the work of Sewing Training Academy students and friends of the STA!
SewPop Holiday Market will begin with an opening night party on Friday, December 1 from 6-9 pm and continue with an open market on Saturday, December 2nd. The location of this year’s event is TBD.
- Booth set-up will be available Friday, December 1st from 10 am to 5 pm. All booths must be completely set up an hour before the opening party begins.
- SewPop market will be open for shopping December 2nd from 10 am to 5 pm. Vendors will need to be available for the duration of the event.
- Vendors will be expected to help with clean up at the end of the event.
SewPop Applications are due by October 16, 2023. At the end of this form, there will be a $25 registration fee. Instead of an upfront booth fee, STA asks for a donation of 20% of sales at the end of the market.
Reach out to Trishawna at tquincy@cctenn.org if you have any questions.
Apply to become a vendor:
After submitting your application you must make a $25 payment to secure your booth.