“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” 

-Matthew 25:40 

Why Your Support Matters

During Lent, we are asked to focus more intently on almsgiving: donating money or goods to the poor and performing other acts of charity.

Since 1962, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Nashville has been a beacon of love, hope, and healing. Every day, we answer the call to care for our neighbors.
Last year alone, we served over 26,000 individuals, offering
  • Hot meals and food assistance to combat hunger
  • Emergency housing and financial relief for families in crisis
  • Employment services to restore dignity and stability
  • Mentoring and counseling for those seeking a fresh start

How We Can Help

We can’t do it alone. Our ministry relies on welcoming all people of goodwill to share our cause. Please join us to be the hands and feet of Christ.

  • Volunteer: Serve meals, organize donations, or mentor a family in need
  • Donate: Your material or financial gifts directly support neighbors in crisis
  • Advocate: Spread the word about our mission and need for support

Take the First Step

Volunteer       Donate

Together, we can transform lives. Will you join us?

Lenten Food Picture

Please help Catholic Charities give hope, the best gift you can give. In this Jubilee Year of Hope, Pope Francis implores us to

“fan the flame of hope…and help everyone to gain new strength.”