Catholic Charities, Diocese of Nashville is hosting an in-person informational meeting to help the community learn more about adopting domestically and internationally as well as foster parenting.
You can drop by anytime between 11:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to meet our team and learn about different of types of adoptions, starting the process, wait times, fees, etc.
Please RSVP with Amanda Bennett at
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Nashville is hosting an informational meeting via zoom to help the community learn more about adopting domestically and internationally as well as foster parenting. Our adoption services team will provide education on the definitions of types of adoptions, starting the process, wait times, fees, etc.
Please register for event with Amanda Bennett at to receive the Zoom link.
Many people who have experienced a disaster or traumatic event find that the anniversary of that event can bring troubling reminders, symptoms, and stress.
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Nashville, and the MNPD Family Intervention Program will be offering an open support group on the evenings of November 30 and December 14 for adults impacted by the December 2020 bombing. Both support groups will take place at Casa Azafran, 2195 Nolensville Rd.
The group will be led by trained trauma therapists who will facilitate an atmosphere of mutual support and connection around the themes of reflection and resilience.
To RSVP please email Melinda Snader at
If you cannot attend, here is a resource about emotional support during Anniversaries and Trigger Events.
The Catholic Charities is hosting two one-hour information sessions via Zoom on Sept. 23 for parents interested in learning more about the adoption process and how Catholic Charities can assist.
To RSVP, please contact Amanda Bennett via email at or (615) 760-1023.
Catholic Charities is hosting a one-hour information session via Zoom on Oct. 26 for parents interested in learning more about the adoption process and how Catholic Charities can assist.
To RSVP, please contact Amanda Bennett via email at or (615) 760-1023.
Catholic Charities will hold to general information sessions via Zoom for anyone interested in more information about available adoption services.
These session are open to the public.
Please contact Julie Bolles at to register and receive the Zoom link to your choice of the two meetings.
Catholic Charities is hosting online virtual meetings on Wednesdays beginning Feb. 17 for anyone impacted by the December 25 bombing in Nashville.
Each session will take place from 5:30-6:30 p.m. These sessions are free and open to anyone. All you need is Zoom to join in.
Our therapists create safe spaces where survivors of trauma can find support, reflect on their experiences, and begin healing. Catholic Charities is pleased to offer this resource and the expertise of our trauma therapists to the Nashville community.
Join the session
(you can join Zoom beginning at 5:15 pm)