Donate to Support for New Americans

An important part of Catholic Charities’ work is helping those who have been displaced — whether from their homes or their home countries. It has been part of our mission since our founding nearly 60 years ago.

Catholic Charities is Tennessee’s lead agency for resettling refugees, Asylees, Cuban and Haitian entrants, victims of trafficking, Amerasians, and Special Immigrant Visa (SIV). Anyone eligible to be resettled has been vetted by the Department of State and purposefully placed in our programs.

We often receive notice of 24 hours or less that a new family will be resettled in Tennessee. Your donations will ensure our team is able to help New Americans acclimate as quickly as possible and become productive citizens here in their new country.

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Charities Charities is committed to information security. All transactions are processed through trusted third-party processers. We do not save or store your personal financial information.

Giving Categories

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Development & Philanthropy Office

Mac Hardcastle

2806 McGavock Pike

Nashville, TN 37214

(615) 487-9981
